In observance of Presidents' Day, there will be NO school and all District Offices will be closed on Monday, February 20th. Thank you!

Parents/Guardians: Due to weather conditions, tomorrow, Thursday, 02/16/23, will be a LATE START day for all DUSD schools. School will begin at 9:00AM. Breakfast will be served at 8:30 AM. Bus routes will begin at 7:30AM. Thank you!

Parents/Guardians:Due to weather conditions, tomorrow, Wednesday, 02/15/23, will be a LATE START day for all DUSD schools. School will begin at 9:00AM. Breakfast will be served at 8:30 AM. Bus routes will begin at 7:30AM. Will also be an Early Release Day. Thank you!

VALENTINE'S DAY FLORAL DELIVERIES: We have contacted all the local floral shops to request that all Valentine related deliveries not be made to any District school on Valentine's Day, February 14th. Your continued support of our attempts to keep distractions to the educational process in our schools at a minimum is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

DHS PTSO Annual Bake Auction!
Monday, February 13th from 5p-7p @ DHS Cafeteria
Please stop by to support our DHS Seniors!

Mrs. Ballesteros’s students receiving their ice cream reward after demonstrating during our academic site visit that when they are focused on their learning they can be winners!
Today I rewarded them with DQ treats and to my surprise they pretended to have a teachers meeting ran by Iva Ramirez as the acting principal, Ms. Leon. Our second graders in Mrs. Ballesteros will be the next DUSD teachers!

Please be advised that Wednesday, February 8th, is NOT an early release day, it will be a regular school day. Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on Thursday, February 9th (from school release time until 7PM). Both Thursday, February 9th, and Friday, February 10th, are early release days. Thank you!

Our DHS AG students doing what they know best!

In observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, there will be NO school and all District Offices will be closed on Monday, January 16th. Thank you!


DUSD Winter Break: 12/26/22-01/06/23

District Office Holiday Hours:
Friday, December 23rd: 7:00 AM to 2:00 PM
December 26th thru January 2nd: ALL OFFICES CLOSED

Parents/Guardians: Due to weather conditions, tomorrow, Tuesday, December 13, 2022, will be a LATE START day for all DUSD Schools. School will begin at 9:30 AM. Breakfast will be served at 9:00 AM. Bus routes will begin at 7:30AM. Please contact your school if you have any questions. Thank you!

Day 2: Tim Brown Wrestling Invitational. DHS lady bulldogs on the mat.

Please Come support our Douglas High School Wrestling Team at our Annual Tim Brown Wrestling Invitational this Friday and Saturday!

District Office Thanksgiving Holiday Hours:
Wednesday, November 24th: 7:00 AM to 2:00 PM
November 25th-26th: All Offices CLOSED

There will be NO school and all school offices will be closed during Thanksgiving Break. Wish you and your families a Happy Thanksgiving!

In observance of Veterans Day, there will be NO School and all District Offices will be closed tomorrow, Friday, November 11th. Thank you!

We would like to inform that all of our student athletes have returned home safe after attending the game at Carl Hayden High School. The last group that arrived late last night was our DHS Spirit Line as they had to attend a cheer clinic on Saturday. A special thanks to all coaches and staff for keeping our students calm and most importantly safe during this very frightful incident.
Superintendent Ana Samaniego

DHS Football Team and Staff will be arriving back home around 2:00 P.M. Parents please pick up your athletes at the gym. We would like to thank our community for their support and Carl Hayden Staff for keeping all athletes, staff, parents, fans, and their community who was attending the game safe.